My Feedly Experience


Signing up for Feedly was definitely the easiest process I have experienced, it was what followed that had me confused and slightly overwhelmed. I am not an advid blogger nor do I read or search for other blog pages unless incorporated into a class, so I had no idea what to expect when I signed onto my page. It took me awhile to get used to the format, the content, and the process of finding and reading blogs that interest me. I decided to search for areas of my teaching that I need to learn and grow in, I began to search for classroom management, creativity in English, use of technology, and time management and was met with an abundance of resources. On top of educational blogs, I also followed blogs that focused on dance both within and outside of the classroom.

I found two blogs specifically that sparked my interest and provided me with a guide to find related blog posts and blog websites that also interested me. In my search for creativity in English I came across a blog called Classroom Freebies. A blog that I think would be beneficial for everyone to take a moment to look into as it ecompasses the community ideal of the teaching profession. It is a website created for teachers who are willing to share their ideas, assignments, and creativity with other professionals who are in need of inspiration. The blog is full of “freebies” for teachers who are on a budget and want new resources. The posts are usually labelled by grade or subject area, making it easy to navigate and find information. It is a site of teachers helping teachers, the give and take mentality, an opportunity to network and connect, and ultimately, a source of inspiration! I highly reccomend this blog site as a tool to have in your teacher toolbox.

Focused more specifically on the topic of our ECMP class, I found a blog titled Educators Technology which provides guides and help in running programs on your computer as well as useful apps for your cellphone or ipad (android and other programs as well) to help guide students learning. The blog posts range from use within the classroom, to utilizing communication with your students caregivers, to improving and engaging in professional development. Many of the posts are directed towards elementary education, but as we know, we can and should always adapt the information to meet our students grade level and abilities. I believe this tool can be useful to help bring technology into the classroom as well as to help us continue our PLN. On the website there are also lists of websites, categorized by subject area, for teachers to explore and use within their classroom. I also reccomend this website and blog as it not only provides opportunity to read and learn, but it is also a useful resource that will connect you to websites specifically for your subject area.

2 thoughts on “My Feedly Experience

  1. jingo035 says:

    I really enjoyed this post — and I agree with how easy Feedly was to figure out. It is very user friendly and has made my life much easier. I cannot imagine engaging in Saskedchat without it.


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